I recently completed the Applitools Ultrafast Grid Hackathon and one of the requirements was to collate the test results and write it to a file so it can be easily reviewed. I faced some limitations with this approach so rather than writing the test results to a text file, I decided to integrate with a third party reporting tool instead. Personally, I haven't used Mochawesome so this was the perfect opportunity to learn about it. Test reporting is one of the important things that you need to think about when you do test automation. A great test report should list all the tests that were run, which tests passed and/or failed, the duration of the tests and should also include some error messages to explain why a test failed. At the same time, a report should be easily shared within your team so everyone is aware what the status is of your test execution. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to export the results of your Cypress tests to an HTML file so you can easily visualise your test runs.
What is Mochawesome?
Mochawesome is a custom reporter that you can integrate into your Mocha tests. It provides a custom HTML report so you can easily see the test results and filter which of your tests pass or failed.
There are three libraries that you would need to get started.
mochawesome - this will convert your tests to JSON output
mochawesome-report-generator (marge) - this will take the JSON output provided by mochawesome and transform it into a HTML report
mochawesome-merge - this will merge several mochawesome JSON outputs into one. If you only have 1 test file then you don't need this. But in reality, you will always have more than 1 test file in your framework 🙂
Integrating with Cypress
Since Cypress is built on top with Mocha, we can use Mochawesome with Cypress. The first thing that you need to do is install the required dependencies.
npm i --D mocha mochawesome mochawesome-merge mochawesome-report-generator
Once the above libraries are installed, we would need to make some modifications to our `cypress.json` file as seen below.
Let's break down what's happening here.
We are telling Cypress that our reporter should be mochawesome. We are then setting the options on our reporter such as:
overwrite - set to false because we don't want to overwrite previous reports
html - set to false because we don't want the html report to be generated after the test run (more explanation why later!)
json - set to true so that when our test run is finished, it will generate a json file containing details of our test run.
Running the tests
When you run your Cypress tests, the command you use should still be similar. Notice though that you will see a log from mochawesome saying that the json output of your tests have been saved. By default, this will save it to a folder called `mochawesome-report`.
Since I have 2 test files in my example project, mochawesome also generated 2 json files. This is the reason why we set the html property in the reporterOptions as false because we don't want to generate the html report per test file.
Since this folder will be updated with new json files every time we run our tests, we need to delete this directory prior so we don't see json files from previous test runs. To do this, let's add a new command in our package.json file that will remove this directory.
Now when we run our tests again, we should see the directory removed beforehand.
Generating the report
To generate the report, we need to add a couple more commands in our package.json file.
The merge:reports commands will merge all the json files from our mochawesome-report directory and store them in a new file called cypress-tests-report.json.
The create:html:report command will generate the html report from cypress-tests-report.json and save it a new directory called TestReport.
The generate:html:report command is just my preference and is completely optional. It simply combines the two commands into one.
When you run `npm run generate:html:report`, you should see the following output.
Cypress + Mochawesome Report
Here is a sample report! (please click on the image to expand). The report will log the Cypress commands and assertions you use per test and includes details such as overall test execution time, execution time per each test, number of tests passing and number of tests failing.
I've added a clip below to show you what it will look like if you have failing tests.
I hope this was useful! If you want to look at the example project closely, have a look at my github repo here. 🙂
Can add a command something like launchTestReport: true/false in the package.json or in another setup file. This should launch the test reports automatically in browser based upon the value selected?
I was doing it earlier as well... However this just gave me a clear picture of what i am doing