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Writer's pictureMarie Cruz

Month in Review: May 2022

Zoopla Work

This month, as part of the Communities of Practice, I did some work on how we can better utilise Percy for our cross browser visual testing strategy. I also worked with our test tooling subgroup to define what our goals are for the next quarter and there's been a lot of progress already around accessibility and Cypress. Together with a few Quality Engineers, we also worked on creating a test strategy to help out a product team on how they can test integration points between various AWS lambdas.

From a managerial perspective, I helped out my direct reports with some examples on how they can further demonstrate a value and evidence mindset in relation to their work. I also have a new Quality Engineer join us this month of June so I had to do some preparations to make sure that her onboarding is going to be as smooth as possible.

My blog post about Contract Testing 101 has also been published to Zoopla's P&T blog. If you're interested to know more about contract testing and how we have adopted it at Zoopla, then have a look at the blog post.

Finally, there were some team building events that I attended this month! There was Electric Shuffleboard with my product team and I also attended a community day event from Hometrack, a company that is also part of Zoopla, where I talked about how we do Quality Engineering.

Community Work

This month, I gave my talk about Shifting Accessibility Testing to the Left to two other events. The first was with Bartosz as part of his in-person Cypress workshop and the other one with Practitest.

Lewis Prescott has also released the podcast episode that we recorded last month where I talked about my role as a Quality Engineering Manager, the importance of small wins and monthly reviews and finally about Pact Nirvana. If you're interested in giving it a listen, the episode is here - Pact Nirvana with Marie Drake.

My proposal to speak at Ministry of Testing's TestBash UK also got accepted! I'll be doing a workshop and talk about Performance Testing 101 which I need to prepare 😅

Agile Testing Days Open Air

I attended my first ever Agile Testing Days (ATD) event and it's been an amazing experience. The first ATD Open Air conference was held at Blackfoot beach in Cologne, Germany and the weather was so nice! I met a lot of people that I follow from Twitter, attended workshops and talks from amazing individuals and also participated in various activities such as lean coffee and the ATD afternoon run.

I also gave a talk on how we can shift accessibility testing to the left and also hosted my first in person Cypress workshop. I'm definitely looking forward to attending more ATD events in the future!

Personal Development

🏋🏻‍♀️ Still consistent with my daily moves and exercise. I'm still attending different classes from my local gym and I also participated in the Agile TD Open Air run with Micha and Simon. The last week of May, I've been trying strength training workouts from Juice & Toya's YouTube channel.

📚 This month, I read Building High Performance Agile Teams by MadeTech. I got this book when I attended last year's Women of Silicon Roundabout. Lots of great input here and ideas that can be applied to work. I'm currently switching between two books and reading a fiction book called Normal People by Sally Rooney and Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before by Dr. Julie Smith.

🎧 Consistently listened to my daily podcast episodes.

📹 This month, I started my YouTube channel called "Testing with Marie" and I've been uploading short videos focused on tech and testing tutorials. So far, I have uploaded 4 videos on how to use Git and Github. You can find the playlist here - Git and Github for Beginners. I would appreciate it if you can share this to anyone who might find it useful and also subscribe if you enjoy my content! 😊

YouTube channel called Testing with Marie with videos on how to use Git and Github
Git and Github for Beginners Tutorial Series

May Favourites

There’s a lot of first times in May. It was my first time in Germany, first time watching My Chemical Romance live in person and first time making a Jubilee hat! Here's a few of my other favourites:

  • Photo walk with Gabby around Southbank

  • Meeting Nicole van der Hoeven and her husband Rob during their short trip here in London.

  • Agile TD Open Air 🦄

  • Listening to My Chemical Romance sing Welcome to the Black Parade, Famous Last Words, Helena and many more!

  • Borough Market food trip

  • Gabby's first COVID vaccination finally happened and she was really good!

  • Catching up with Giri over lunch at Arabica

  • Electric shuffle board with my team in Zoopla


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