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  • Writer's pictureMarie Cruz

Month in Review: July 2023

k6 Work

It's been a busy month for the k6 Champions program because we accepted three more k6 champions. We welcomed Marlo Henrique, Donald Le, and Grzegorz Piechnik this month. 🥳 They've contributed to the k6 community in various ways through their articles, k6 extensions, and even a course. Check out their individual champion spotlights that I've linked to get to know them more.

I also published introductory content about chaos engineering, which resulted from learning about xk6-disruptor and chaos testing in general.

From k6 browser perspective, we've had a few questions from the community if they can use the page object model (POM) pattern when writing browser tests with k6. I've added an example of how to implement POM as part of our k6 documentation. We also now have an official k6 Docker image with Chromium installed, so I've also updated the examples on how to run k6 browser tests in a Docker container. I also participated in July's k-SIX news to discuss the recent changes introduced as part of k6 version 0.45, which you can find below.

I've also been working on drafting content about a continuous approach to performance testing, which is heavily influenced by Dan Ashby's continuous testing in DevOps model. I wanted to highlight that continuous testing goes beyond automation and shift-left testing and provides insights on how teams can test for performance at different stages of the software development lifecycle. I'm hoping it will be published next month! 🤞🏼

From k6 Office Hours, we welcomed Ankur Narkhede from LambdaTest to discuss k6 integration with LambdaTest. It was great to see the other features that k6 users can do on the LambdaTest platform, such as running your tests in parallel in different operating systems and Chromium-based browsers and supporting visual testing. Make sure to check out the episode below.

Finally, we also welcomed Leon York to talk about a k6 extension that he created called xk6-output-timestream, which is an extension to output k6 metrics to AWS Timestream.

Community Work/Side Projects

Adobo and Avocados were in full swing this month. We started off with Katja Obring, an Agile and Quality Engineering coach, to talk about testing in DevOps.

Nicole and I also talked about burnout and how it's related to an overloaded system (and also how it's not).

We then had the amazing Callum Akehurst-Ryan talk about his experience as a queer engineer in tech and why monoculture is problematic for quality.

Finally, we had the privilege to speak to Lena Pejgan Nyström to share her career journey, her role as an Engineering Manager, why having healthy conflicts and diversity of skills is important, and what "Would Heu-risk it? is about.

I also spent more time with book writing this month! I thought I was finished with chapter 2, but it turned out that I needed more pages to write. 😄

Finally, I was accepted to mentor at MentorCruise, so I can also start professional mentoring on the side. I have been doing mentoring now for a few years and also initially opened my calendly account to the public, but in order to protect my time and set some boundaries, I decided to remove the public calendar. In the future, if you need support with software testing, test automation, career development, or even developer advocacy and you are interested in being my mentee, please book it via MentorCruise. 😊

Personal Development

🏋🏻‍♀️ My average steps this month were higher than last month. I had to pause my F45 membership because my tattoo is still healing, so high-intensity workouts are not recommended. I signed up to my local Nuffield Health, though, so I can still do some light exercises.

A graph showing my average step count for July 2023 which is 14,087 steps.
Average step count for July 2023

🍎 Still doing the 80/20 healthy eating rule.

📚 This month, I finished reading Four thousand weeks by Oliver Burkeman. Oliver highlights that we can't do everything we want to do because life is short, and we are finite and limited in time and resources. Once we realise that we only get to have one life, this removes the unrealistic pressure that we put on ourselves, and we can start focusing on things that actually do matter. I highly recommend this book! 💜

🎧 Continuously listened to various podcast episodes this month.

🗣 I'm continuing my Spanish lessons in Duolingo. I'm now on day 331. 🥳

July Favourites

Not many photos to share this month. I haven't used my camera as well to do photo walks. Hopefully, next month! 🤞🏼

  • Gabby's sports day at school

  • Catching up with friends over dinner and drinks

  • Back to short hair!

  • Having lunch with colleagues

  • Paddleboarding session with Rafaela

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1 Comment

gedela naveenkumar
gedela naveenkumar
Aug 15, 2023

Can you include some podcast link for reference.

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