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  • Writer's pictureMarie Cruz

Month in Review: February 2023

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

k6 Work

Lots of activities this month! I've been busy collaborating with the k6 Champions, from writing up their highlights, project collaborations, and swag packages! I've also been brainstorming with other colleagues on what different projects we can work on with the champions that don't involve writing blogs or speaking at meetups, and we have come up with a fantastic idea. More information about this in future reviews!

I also participated in two conferences this month. One was Automation Guild 2023, and the other conference was CMG Impact 2023, which I already talked about in my previous monthly review.

Most of my work was spent helping the team prepare for merging xk6-browser to k6 core. As of k6 version 0.43.0, xk6-browser is no longer an extension, but instead, it's now an experimental module! 🎉

This huge milestone means you no longer need to create a custom binary of k6 with xk6-browser, as this is now built-in within k6 itself. For more information about this big change, check out this announcement blog post I've written on the k6 blog - k6 browser module.

The k6 browser documentation and the get started guide have also been updated to reflect these changes.

From a k6 Office Hours perspective, I spoke with my colleague Leandro Melendez about agile performance testing, which you can watch in the video below.

Then, I also did the exploratory performance testing episode with Nicole van der Hoeven, which is also linked below.

I'm enjoying this conversation style as it's more geared towards thought-leadership ideas around performance, testing, and quality on a holistic level.

Finally, if you missed last month's office hours episode, where we discussed integrating Grafana Faro with k6, check out this blog post - Pair Grafana Faro and Grafana k6 for Frontend Observability.

Community Work/Side Projects

This month, I wrote a blog post about The Psychology of Waiting, which focuses on the reasons why we, as humans, don't like to wait and what we can learn from it to improve the perceived performance of our web applications.

I've also updated my website to include a workshops section. I am getting many inquiries about the type of workshops I can offer, so I figured I'd create a page specifically for it. That said, if you or your team are looking to gain more knowledge around accessibility testing or Cypress and you enjoy my content, please do get in touch, and I would love to chat about how I can help.

I've also been collaborating with Lewis Prescott for a secret side project that we are planning for this year. It will be huge, but really excited about what we can accomplish.

Finally, I was also featured in Agile Testing Days' 100 Women in Tech to Follow & Learn From. There are so many inspirational women on this list, and I’m just honestly happy to be part of it! 💜

Personal Development

🏋🏻‍♀️ My average step count was higher than last month's. The trainers at the gym are also noticing that I'm getting stronger and my body is changing, which is great news! 🎉

Graph showing my average step count for February 2023 which is 13,113 steps.
Average step count for Feb 2023

🍎 Still doing the 80/20 healthy eating rule

📚 This month, I am reading Mindset by Carol Dweck.

🎧 Back to listening to my favourite podcasts. I have been listening to non-tech podcasts lately and enjoy these more.

🗣 Yo aprendo Español en Duolingo. So far, I am on a 183-day streak. I also joined the #in-spanish channel at Ministry of Testing as a different medium to continue learning.

February Favourites

It was Gabby's 6th birthday this month! I can't believe she is now six, and time does fly really fast. We celebrated her birthday at KidSpace, and they had a teddy bear workshop which the kids enjoyed. Other highlights for this month include:

  • Birthday parties! Well, this is more Gabby's highlight as she attended two other birthday parties.

  • Laduree macaroons 💜

  • Unlimited Korean barbeque at Kolbi, Farringdon

  • Filipino food dinner with my good friend, Rafaela.

  • Improving my strength and seeing progress after three months of consistent F45 workouts. 💪🏼


I used my camera again this month and took some random snaps. Here are some of my favourite ones. 💜

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