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  • Writer's pictureMarie Cruz

Month in Review: August 2023

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

k6 Work

This was a short month because I've been on personal time off and traveled to Toronto to visit my relatives. Nevertheless, here's what happened last month!

I started my Grafana Faro learning to understand how it works and how it can go hand-in-hand with k6 browser. Real user monitoring solutions remain important, and it's awesome that Grafana Labs now has a solution for frontend observability. I started introducing Faro to one of our demo applications, QuickPizza, and with the help of some colleagues, we successfully added and refactored it. My next goal is to write a blog post to offer insights on why real user monitoring is important and how tools like Faro compare with k6 browser and Google Lighthouse.

I also got in contact with DZone regarding the continuous approach to performance testing. I hoped it would have been published this August, but the plan is for September.

We've also released the product update newsletter for k6 version 0.46, and I also participated in the k-SIX news, covering the browser news, which you can watch below. Make sure to watch until the end for some tuna action! Kudos to Leandro for always making these fun. :)

Since there are a lot of breaking changes on the k6 browser module, we also dedicated an entire k6 Office Hours episode to it. Check out the episode below if you want to catch up on the important changes or feel free to check out our k6 browser migration guide.

Community Work/Side Projects

On to community work and side projects, we had the amazing Laveena Ramchandani as our August guest at Adobo and Avocados to talk about being a new parent in tech. She shared a lot of insights and awesome stories so for any new parents, or who are thinking of being parents, the episode below is a great one to watch!

I also gave a talk at LambdaTest's TestMu conference about A Hybrid Approach to Performance Testing. TestMu conference was a free virtual conference that brought together 10,000+ attendees from all over the world. I managed to catch up on a few talks, such as testing strategies for micro-frontends by Ioannis Papadakis and testing serverless applications in AWS by Anaïs van Asselt, to name a few. It was also a great experience networking with a few attendees and volunteering at the k6 virtual booth.

Finally, I gave a Masterclass session at Ministry of Testing to share the psychology behind web performance and why humans don't like to wait.

Personal Development

🏋🏻‍♀️ My average steps for this month was lower, but I still reached my target of 10,000 steps. I was very relaxed this month and also skipped the gym on most days. I didn't skip exercising entirely, but I was definitely slow-paced this month, and that's okay.

A graph showing my average steps for August 2023, which is 10,843.
Average steps for August 2023

🍎 I took a break from healthy eating because I was on holiday! Also, my cousin's cooking was just so good! She made dishes that I hadn’t tried before and also made Filipino pandesal from scratch!

📚 This month, I finished reading Essentialism by Greg Mckeown. My friend Nicole recommended this book, and I've heard about this on various podcast episodes. I enjoyed reading this book; it builds up on minimalism and shows a new way of thinking about productivity and life. In a nutshell, an Essentialist distinguishes what is the most important, eliminates the non-essentials, and removes obstacles, reminding us that less is always better.

🎧 I took a break from listening to podcasts consistently this month.

🗣 I'm continuing my Spanish lessons in Duolingo. I'm now on day 351. Next month, I also plan to do Spanish speaking lessons.

August Favourites

This month was about spending time with family and slowing things down. 💜

  • Seeing my cousin and her family in Toronto. They also met Gabby for the first time!

  • Amazing food and mochi donuts!

  • Visiting Niagara Falls and other obligatory tourist stuff with Gabby


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